
About District

Chumoukedima is located at 23’3 N Latitude 93’30’30 E Longitude (Kukidolong) at an altitude of 200MSL -2000 MSL. The whole area of the district is 6110 Sq Km (Approximately). As of 2011 India census, Chümoukedima has a population of 1,66,911.
The climate of the District falls under sub-tropical type with hot and humid summer, mild winter and heavy rainfall during the monsoon. The annual rainfall is 1120 mm and the maximum and minimum temperature recorded is 34 and 24 degree centigrade respectively. Major rivers namely Chathe, Mangloi, Dhansiri flows through the district. Chumoukedima has a loamy and sandy clay soil with a soil pH of 4.5-6.0.

Some major crops cultivated in the district are:

  • Cereal crops: Maize, Rice, Millets
  • Oilseeds: sesame, mustard, oil palm, castor
  • Pulses : Beans of different varieties
  • Cash crops: coffee, arecanut, Banana, tea
  • Plantation crops: rubber, Hollock, teak, Gamari, Parkia